Friday, August 22, 2008


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I had never been to Yellowstone National Park before. The geysers were incredible, but even more amazing than those was the two hours it takes just to get anywhere within the park. I really liked the parched lanscape look, but only came away with this one photo that I think is decent.

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The Yellowstone Grand Canyon was, in fact, pretty grand and I even snapped a fair photo of it as well. I really wish the top branch of the foreground tree on the left didn't have any sun on it. It's pretty distracting. If I'd had any time I would have gone back at the right time of day. It's a shame to come home from a place like this with only a couple of shots, but I wasn't really there for the photographing; it was a family vacation.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What nice pictures and cute family you have!